Аграрная наука Евро-Северо-Востока (Apr 2021)
«Farming journal» and its role in the development of agriculture of Russia in 1821-1840 (to the 200-th anniversary of the journal)
This year « The Farming Journal» [Zemledelchesky zhurnal] celebrates the 200 th anniversary from the date of the first issue. This is the first All-Russian specialized agricultural journal, which was established by the Imperial Moscow Agricultural Society. On the basis of the method of biometric analysis of the content the article shows the significance of the journal in the history of agriculture and agricultural press in Russia. It had been estimated that over 1200 articles have been published in the journal. There was determined the typology of articles of the journal, the ratio of the number of publications of which 38 % were sharing experiences materials, surveys (22 %), economic statistical materials (10 %), original articles (8 %), translated articles (5 %), reviews of new agricultural books (17 %). The main publication subjects were general problems of agriculture (30%), plant production (25 %), animal husbandry (27 %), farming (10 %), and horticulture (8 %). The journal actively propagaded new farming systems, promoted developing such agricultural industries as beet sugar production, sheep breeding, bee keeping, and sericulture. Of 375 authors who published their articles in the journal, 73 % were landowners, 19 % professor and teaching staff, 11 % estate managers, 6 % agricultural specialists. Among well-known authors of the journal it is worth to name N. P. Shishkov, I. V. Saburov, A. F. Rebrov, A. S. Maslov, P. I. Prokopovich and others. «The Farming Journal» laid down the basic principles for developing agricultural periodicals. For the first time in history an attempt was made to unite progressive scientists and landowners by means of the journal in order to determine the ways of developing the agrarian sector of the country, to distribute agricultural knowledge among the population, to generate agricultural science and education. The «Farming Journal» is a valuable source for studying the agrarian history of Russia of the beginning of the XIX century.