EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology (May 2020)
An Energy Efficient Health Monitoring System using Relay Node in Wireless Body Area Networks
INTRODUCTION: In today's world, Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN) has emanated as a budding fieldwithin the healthcare scenario for monitoring, detecting, predicting, and diagnosing various fatal diseases suchas cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes and other infectious diseases such as tuberclosis, pneumonia and ebola. It is an assemblage of bio-sensors which could be put on or embedded in a patient's bodyto surveil the functionality of various body organs.OBJECTIVES: The purpose of that proposed protocol is to select the relay node and record the variousphysiological parameters like body temperature, blood pressure, rate of blood sugar of human being. Energyconsumption is a major hurdle in WBAN as replacing as well as recharging the nodes pinioned to human bodymay bring about discomfort to the patient. Therefore, in this work, the emphasis is given to improve theperformance of WBAN i.e. network lifetime, greater mobility, stability and energy efficiency.METHODS: To find the shortest energy-efficient route and avoid any kind of relay node failure, a novel routingscheme called Enhanced Opportunistic Protocol using Relay nodes (E-OPR) is proposed for data routing.CONCLUSION: Finally, an enhanced opportunistic protocol using relay node in WBAN has been proposedfor cost effective real time health monitoring system. The proposed solution seems to give better results ascompare single-hop, multi-hop routing protocols in terms of throughput, network lifetime, energy consumptionand path loss.