Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura (Aug 2005)

Características físicas e químicas dos frutos do cambucizeiro (Campomanesia phaea) Physical and chemical characteristics of cambucizeiro's fruits (Campomanesia phaea)

  • Maria Isabel Vallilo,
  • Maria Lima Garbelotti,
  • Elisabeth de Oliveira,
  • Leda Conceição Antonia Lamardo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 27, no. 2
pp. 241 – 244


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Frutos de Campomanesia phaea (Myrtaceae) são muito procurados pela população rural para preparo de sucos, sorvetes e bebidas alcoólicas. Para avaliar as características físicas, o potencial nutricional e o seu aproveitamento na indústria de alimentos, frutos nos seus diversos estádios de amadurecimento foram coletados em abril de 2003 no Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Núcleo Caraguatatuba-SP. Os dados do diâmetro longitudinal (DL) e transversal (DT) e a relação entre eles mostram que os frutos têm forma levemente achatada (DL/DT Fruits of Campomanesia phaea (Myrtaceae) are used by rural population to make juice, ice cream and in alcoholic drinks to accentuate the flavor. To evaluate the physical characteristics, the nutritional potential and the use in food industry, fruits samples in several ripe steps were collected in April 2003 in Serra do Mar State Park, Núcleo Caraguatatuba, SP. The data of longitudinal (DL) and traverse (DT) diameter and the relationship among them showed that the fruits present oval and flattened shape (DL/DT <1); the pulp was succulent, with pungent flavor and citric scent, with high level of humidity (88, 80%) and pH 2, 91, high levels of alimentary fibers were detected (4, 00%), when compared to other species of the same botanical family. Low contents of protein (0, 44%), total carbohydrates (5, 00%), lipids (1, 53%) and reasonable level of ascorbic acid (33,37 mg 100 g-1) were presented. Among the inorganic elements (13) the nutrients sodium (171, 50 mg kg-1), potassium (622, 65 mg kg-1), phosphorous (123, 69 mg kg-1), magnesium (42, 08 mg kg-1) and calcium (61, 26 mg kg-1) can be pointed out. Although the chemical composition is similar to others species from the Myrtaceae family the in natura intake of this fruit is difficult due to the low level of carbohydrates and high acid content.
