Stomatološki glasnik Srbije (Jan 2004)
Computer literacy and access to the Internet among dental students
AIM: The aim of the present study was to determine students' ability and extent of using computers and internet, and the impact of the Informatics course on students' attitude and using computers in professional purposes. METHODOLOGY: Two hundred randomly selected 4th and 5th year students of the Faculty of Stomatology in Belgrade were divided into 2 groups of 100 students each, regarding the attendance to the Faculty Informatics course. The survey was conducted through an anonymous questionnaire with multiple choice questions concerning the ability to use computers and internet, programs and applications, visiting dental sites at the internet, self-assessment of students' PC skills etc. The data were statistically analyzed, and results were presented on tables and figures. RESULTS: Majority of dental students (85.5%) think PC skills are important for dentists. Statistically more students from the Informatics course can use computers (92%) compared to those (67%) who did not complete this course (p<0.05). In both groups, Internet, email and word are used with high statistical probability. Students use computers mostly for pleasure and much lesser for educational purposes. CONCLUSION: There is a great potential and interest for the use of computers in dental education among students of the Faculty of Stomatology in Belgrade. Faculty Informatics course may be a useful baseline for further implementing electronic learning into dental education.