Majallah-i Zanān, Māmā̓ī va Nāzā̓ī-i Īrān (Jul 2018)

Role of Adiponectin Hormone in Fertility and Sterility: A Systematic Review

  • Fattaneh Pahlavan,
  • Fatemeh Tork tatari,
  • Saeideh Fazeli,
  • Fatemeh Razavinia,
  • Najmeh Tehranian

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 5
pp. 97 – 107


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Introduction: Adiponectin is a hormone from adipokine family, which releases from adipose tissue cells and has many biological roles. According to the literature, the level of this hormone reduces in obese individuals. Several studies have investigated the relationship between adiponectin and gynecological diseases. However, no study reviewed the role of adiponectin hormone in fertility and sterility. Therefore, the aim of this study was to review the literature regarding adiponectin hormone role in fertility and sterility. Methods: This study reviewed 18 articles which were searched in the reputable online databases, including PubMed, Science Direct, and Iran Medex. The searches were performed using keywords, such asadiponectin, fertility, sterility, and ovulation among the papers published during 1996-2018. We classified the studies and considered P < 0.05 as significant. Results: Adiponectin is one of the hormones that affect the reproductive system.Ovulation disorders (e.g., PCO and hypothalamic amenorrhea), metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and infertility are associated with reduced adiponectin level. On the other hand, treatments for infertility, including ovulation induction, IVF, and ICSI are accompanied by increase in adiponectin level. Therapy is more likely to be successful in subjects with higher adiponectin. Conclusion: Regarding the positive effects of adiponectin and its basic role in fertility and sterility, it is possible to measure and evaluate this hormone for management and follow-up of fertility and sterility. Consequently, further attention and research about this hormone seems to be necessary.
