Іноземні мови (May 2020)
Use of drama techniques in teaching elementary communication in German to primary school children
In the article, the rational for using drama techniques in teaching elementary communication in German to primary school children and the need for special training for students/teachers in using such techniques in foreign language studies is explained. Four types of elementary communication in foreign language which are typical for primary school children (quasi-, proto-, para- and metacommunication) are identified and described in the context of the development of elementary foreign language competence in primary school children at A1.1 and A1.2 levels. The imitation was found to be a main tool for foreign language learning at A1.1 first level of the development of elementary foreign language competence which provides for receptive and imitative oral German language learning based on perception, understanding and reproduction of foreign linguistic units with no modifications and with minor modifications. In the context of initial two of these four types of elementary communication in foreign language (quasi- and protocommunication), most appropriate drama techniques are selected for successful implementation of suggested foreign language learning mechanisms in primary school children, such as «hear and act», «magic mirror», «dramatic identification», «kaleidoscope», «sculptures», finger drama games, puppet theater, fairy tale games. Four groups of drama techniques are selected based on established language activities, namely those aimed at the development of the following skills in students: perception and understanding of German linguistic units; reproduction of German language models based on imitation without modifications; reproduction of German language models with minor modifications; building short German phrases based on analogy. Implementation method for selected techniques is demonstrated using examples from German language school books and from teaching practices.