Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto) (Aug 2022)
Autobiographical Narratives and Research on the Constitution of Subjectivity in the Vygostkian Perspective
Abstract Research on the constitution of subjectivity continues to be a relevant topic for Psychology. This study aimed to analyze the relevance of exploring autobiographical narratives as a methodological resource for understanding this process. Anchored in the premises of historical-cultural psychology in dialogue with other theoretical perspectives, the defended thesis is that, through this theoretical-methodological alternative, it is possible to investigate the different interrelated domains in the processes of constitution of subjectivities, such as the works of memory, language and the dynamic character that they establish with historical and cultural circumstances. The text comprises four parts: the first explores the challenges involved in researching subjectivity; the second, the contributions of Vygotskian psychology to the understanding of the phenomenon; the third, the fecundity of narratives as methodological resources for the study of subjectivation processes. In the last topic, considerations are made about some results of research carried out from school memories.