Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (Sep 2021)
Formulation for Development of Low- Cost Silvicultural Model for Production Forest in Aceh Province, Indonesia
Production forest is a forestry area used to produce forest products through Business Permit for Timber Forest Products Utilization (locally known as IUPHHK). Today, the main problems in the production forest industry management system are that the developed silvicultural system is still high in cost, and the mechanism of forest supervision and maintenance does not involve the forest communities. Therefore, it is necessary to make an effective and efficient design of a low-cost silvicultural model for production forests to be implemented in Aceh Province. This research aims to generate a low- cost silvicultural model for production forest in Aceh Province with a system approach using soft systems methodology (SSM). This research resulted in a low-cost silvicultural conceptual model for production forest and intervention strategies to be implemented by stakeholders to achieve the goals. Generally, the implementable intervention form is to develop synergy and partnership between the forest community and the IUPHHK-holder company in production forest management to run some production activities such as plantation process, security, and supervision. Moreover, participatory enhancement is necessary from the main actors: the government, the IUPHHK holder company, and the community by carrying out their duties and responsibilities according to their respective proportions.