Strides in Development of Medical Education (Nov 2016)
Management of Teaching Hospitals; Opportunities and Threats
Background & Objective: The plan of integration of medical schools into the health system was adopted in 1985 and one of its consequences was the creation of the teaching hospital The aim of this study was to investigate the problems and challenges of managing teaching hospitals Methods: This qualitative phenomenological study was conducted through interviews with 16 health experts about the integration of medical education and the problems of the management of teaching hospitals in 2014 In this study the data gathering tool was interviews In order to approve the credibility and confirmability of the text it was transcribed and the resulting analysis was distributed among the professors participating in this study and their corrective recommendations and comments were applied Data were analyzed through the analysis framework techniques Results: The findings of this study included 6 main codes and 20 subcodes regarding the problems of teaching hospitals The main codes included the weaknesses of the integration of education and health the strengths of the integration of education and health management problems of teaching hospitals weaknesses of the separation of education and health strengths of the separation of education and health and organizational communications Conclusion: Management of teaching hospitals compared with treatment hospitals is very difficult Many of the problems in hospitals are due to the lack of sufficient power of the director and the head of the hospital Thus these problems can be reduced by the delegation of authority to the hospital managers