IEEE Access (Jan 2019)
Energy Efficient Uplink MAC Protocol for M2M Devices
To enable connectivity between a massive number of devices on the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication is implied. The key feature of emerging and ad hoc networks, such as M2M communication, is a low-complexity medium access protocol. In this paper, an uplink centric simple approach is proposed that aims to improve the energy efficiency of the devices of M2M communication. To facilitate the requirements of these networks with a massive number of ubiquitous devices, the current version of slotted aloha is optimized specifically for M2M architecture. To reduce complexity, this paper does not change the architecture but, additionally, add a simplified approach to gain efficiency. Previous slotted aloha protocols work well under less traffic but in the case of M2M architecture, it may become a bottleneck. The proposed power adaptive technique adjusts the delay time for transmission slots mainly for small sensor devices used in M2M applications, such as health care, weather trackers, and other delays sensitive M2M applications. An improvement in energy efficiency was achieved by increasing the energy efficiency at 60% rate compared with other techniques and lifetime to 45% while keeping the throughput steady and reducing the time and space complexity. The results are simulated in MATLAB. Better message delivery was achieved by considering the power profiles of M2M devices.