Catalonia (Jul 2021)
Maremar. Estudi de les fonts transtextuals en la creació d’un espectacle social
This article analyses the transtextual relations in Dagoll Dagom’s play Maremar. The show is an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Pericles, Prince of Tyr that actualizes the plot with the intention of denouncing the current situation of Syrian refugees. Moreover, the company introduces the songs of Lluís Llach as a strategy to appeal the collective thinking of the Catalan public and to produce an effect of dramatic identification. Starting from the concept of transtextuality, that considers not only literature works as a hypotext, but also other disciplines like music, we study these different sources, and complementary ones like the myth of Odysseus, in order to offer a complete interpretation of the play. In addition, we intend to prove the efficacy of these practices as a means to create a politically engaged work.