Finnish Yearbook of Population Research (May 2024)

The Estonian Generations and Gender Survey 2020:

  • Allan Puur,
  • Luule Sakkeus,
  • Liili Abuladze,
  • Mark Gortfelder,
  • Martin Klesment,
  • Leen Rahnu,
  • Tiina Tambaum

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 57


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In Estonia, the Generations and Gender Survey 2020 (GGS-II) is the third large-scale demographic survey that collects data on family and fertility dynamics. As the country participates in the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, the GGS-II opted for a shorter age range of the sample (18–59). The questionnaire in the GGS-II in Estonia follows the GGS-II wave 1 baseline questionnaire. The questionnaire also includes the Global Uncertainties’ module developed by the Nordic countries, a battery of questions on the perceived impact of COVID-19, and several country-specific items. The GGS-II in Estonia was implemented using only computer-assisted web interviewing (CAWI). In this article, we present a concise overview of the sampling and data collection process, analyse representativeness and response rates, and briefly assess the data quality. We conclude that despite low response rates, the GGS-II provides a good basis for the analysis of fertility and family dynamics.
