Pravo (Feb 2010)
Credit cards, as a technical-technological invention, represent contemporary instrument of non-cash payment and financial transactions. In the paper, the notion of credit cards, the division and the variety of them are defined. The way of their usage as well as the possibility of misusage and fraud with the usage of them is also shown. The attention is drawn to the application of contemporary methods and means for revealing and proving criminal acts in the domain of credit cards. The author especially stresses the preventing measures of protection in order to prevent misusage and fraud in this area. In the body of this paper, the process of applying contemporary criminality methods in combination with scientific and technical accomplishments in order to check the facts and collect the relevant evidence efficiently. Since this is a wide problem, the attention is driven to the necessity of constant development of scientific method and the need for the society to take an active part in this. Efficiency in fighting this contemporary and constantly growing criminal act is possible to achieve by applying the latest scientific accomplishments and technical achievements.