Composites Part C: Open Access (Mar 2021)

Steel foil reinforcement for high performance bearing strength in Thin‐Ply composites

  • Benedikt Kötter,
  • Kohei Yamada,
  • Johann Körbelin,
  • Kazumasa Kawabe,
  • Masaaki Nishikawa,
  • Masaki Hojo,
  • Bodo Fiedler

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4
p. 100085


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This study investigates the influence of local hybridization of Thin and Thick-Ply CFRP laminates on the open-hole and bearing properties. The area weight of the CFRP unidirectional prepregs used is 40 gsm in the case of Thin-Ply layers and 160 gsm in the case of Thick-Ply layers. The steel used is a 1.4310 stainless-steel foil with the same layer thickness as the prepregs. In the hybrid area, 90∘ layers were locally replaced by stainless steel patches. The local metal foil content varies from 6.25%, 12.5% to 25.0%. For notched laminates, the open hole tensile strength is significantly decreased with thinner layer thicknesses. The failure behavior changes from complex delamination dominated failure to brittle failure. By using stainless steel foils in the regions of stress concentrations, energy can be dissipated by plastic deformation of the steel foil and stresses can be deflected to neighbouring areas. For Thin-Ply samples with a local steel content of 25% the open hole tensile strength increases by 64% in comparison to the reference Thin-Ply specimens and the sensitivity towards stress concentrations decreases. The bearing strength of the hybrid CFRP laminates is increased by up to 54.6% in comparison to the reference material, due to the confinement of the steel foil and the resulting higher compressive strength and the plastic deformation at high stresses. The stress–strain diagrams and micrographs of the fibre metal samples reveal that damage is initiated before the maximum bearing strength. However, the damage offset bearing strength increase concerning the specific density of the material significantly.
