Revista Română de Sociologie (Jan 2016)
In this paper, the author aims to apply the theoretical model of anomie (developed by É. Durkheim and R. K. Merton) for the assessment of the social, economic and political situation in the former communist societies. In the most of these countries, the normative regulation is insufficient or precarious and the actions of individuals are subscribed to the areas of deviance and „loss of determination” of their scope and human aspirations. With specific reference to Romania, the author mentions the main contributing factors that have conditioned or determined the increasing in the anomic suicide rates, in the post-communist period: the low performance and economic benefits, the deterioration of health and standards of living, increased consumption of alcohol and drugs, depression, stress, the spreading of illnesses, physical but moreover mental, the incapacity to adapt to the changes, to the new normative and cultural models, to find solutions for the new life problems, unemployment, poverty, dissolution of numerous family groups, immigration of the heads of the families, decreasing in the number of children, aging of the population etc