Revista Diálogo Educacional (Jan 2013)
Educação e cibercultura: aprendizagem ubíqua no currículo da disciplina didática
With the intensification of the use of digital structures in networks and mobile devices, this article presents the concepts of mobility and interstitial spaces (SANTAELLA, 2010), presenting mobile technologies as interfaces of these spaces formed by ubiquity and connectivity. This study considers the mobility and the use of mobile devices, via digital structures in networks, as ways to enhance education, to the extent that one does not leave physical spaces to contact digital environments. This paper discusses, based on Santos (2005), pedagogical possibilities for ubiquitous learning considering a multireferential approach (ARDOINO, 1998) to the curriculum. Therefore, this study presents the creation of acts of curriculum (MACEDO, 2011), connecting the time-spaces of university/ city/cyberspace within the context of teaching discipline in an undergraduate class of Pedagogy at Uerj.