Southern Clinics of Istanbul Eurasia (Jan 2019)
Our Approach to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and Surgical Treatment Results
INTRODUCTION[|]We tried to describe our current approach to gastroesophageal disease and evaluate our results of anti-reflux surgery.[¤]METHODS[|]70 patients received laparoscopic Nissen funduplication procedure between January 2015 and December 2017 were included in our study. All data and information belonging to cases were retrieved retrospectively from hospital's data system. Clinical results of patients who underwent anti-reflux procedure was evaluated. [¤]RESULTS[|]34 female (% 48.5) and 36 male (%51.5) with median age 45 (20-84) was randomized. 14 patients (%29) received surgery for gastroosephageal reflux, whereas 56 (%80) for reflux+hiatal hernia. Median duration of complaints was 16 (6-96) months. Median follow-up time was 18 (10-45) months. Clinical results were as follows; very good in 55 cases (%78.6), good in 9 cases (%12.9) and moderate in 6 cases (%8.5).[¤]DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION[|]Laparoscopic Nissen funduplication could be considered as a safe and effcetive surgery in controlling patients complaints, with sufficient preoperative evaluation, right indication and suitable surgical technique. [¤]