Tarbiya : Journal of Education in Muslim Society (Jun 2019)

Arabic Language as the Icon of Islamic Higher Education: A Study of the Implementation of Arabic Intensive Program

  • Warnis Warnis,
  • Hetti Waluati Triana,
  • Martin Kustati,
  • Remiswal Remiswal,
  • Nelmawarni Nelmawarni

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Vol. 6, no. 1


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Abstract The study aims to establish policies that are appropriate with the management of the Intensive Arabic Language program in the future, to establish Arabic language competence standards based on an analysis of the real conditions of the main components and program supporters, and to formulate measures to improve the quality of Arabic Intensive Programs at UIN Imam Bonjol, Padang. This study used qualitative approach. Data was collected through interviews, documentation and Focus group discussion. Data sources are managers, lecturers, and students participating in Arabic Intensive Program. The results of the study showed that the implementation of Arabic programs still encountered many obstacles and problems. The visible problems were in the planning process, especially planning in the learning objectives, materials, and the provision of lecturers; In connection with the implementation of Arabic Intensive programs, there are still constrained by the available facilities and infrastructure, related to evaluation, the results of the study show that comprehensive evaluation needs to be done in relation to the evaluation of inputs, processes, outputs, and impacts to improve the quality of Arabic as an institutional brand in the future. Abstrak Studi ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan kebijakan yang sesuai dengan pengelolaan program Bahasa Arab Intensif di masa depan, untuk menetapkan standar kompetensi bahasa Arab berdasarkan analisis kondisi nyata dari komponen utama dan pendukung program, dan untuk merumuskan langkah-langkah untuk meningkatkan kualitas Program Intensif Bahasa Arab di UIN Imam Bonjol, Padang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, dokumentasi dan FGD. Sumber data adalah manajer, dosen, dan mahasiswa yang berpartisipasi dalam Program Intensif Arab. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi program bahasa Arab masih menemui banyak kendala dan masalah. Masalah yang terlihat dalam proses perencanaan, terutama perencanaan dalam tujuan pembelajaran, bahan, dan penyediaan dosen; Sehubungan dengan implementasi program-program Intensif Bahasa Arab, masih ada kendala oleh fasilitas dan infrastruktur yang tersedia, terkait dengan evaluasi, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa evaluasi komprehensif perlu dilakukan sehubungan dengan evaluasi input, proses, output, dan dampak untuk meningkatkan kualitas bahasa Arab sebagai merek kelembagaan di masa depan. How to Cite : Warnis, Triana, H. W., Remiswal, Kustati, M., Nelmawarni. (2019). Arabic Language as the Icon of Islamic Higher Education: A Study of the Implementation of Arabic Intensive Program. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 6(1), 102-115. doi:10.15408/tjems.v6i1. 10910.
