Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Oct 2019)

De la ópera al circo: emergencia y constitución de un nuevo circuito artístico en Buenos Aires hacia mediados del siglo XIX

  • Guillermina Guillamon



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The functions of the opera were the most successful shows during the entire decade of 1820 in the city of Buenos Aires. Nevertheless the impulse of the public opinion, the provincial political power and the artistic companies, the experience of the opera buffa lasted little more than five years. However, the decline of the opera did not take place in the absence of shows or spaces prepared for that purpose. In this sense, this work aims to make a first approximation to the different amusements and shows developed in the city of Buenos Aires between the 1830s and 1840s. For this reason, the aim is to rebuild the urban circuit of production and reception of shows and diversions – circuses, equestrian practices, pantomimic dances, strength and agility tests, automatons, panoramas, magic lanterns, optical cabinets – while outlining the relationships, appropriations and tensions that arose between those activities.
