Vascular Health and Risk Management (Oct 2023)

Effect of Some Risk Factors on Over-Anticoagulation Disorders and Bleeding in Patients Receiving Anticoagulant Therapy with Overdosage of Vitamin K Antagonist

  • Dung Chu S,
  • Thi Tran M

Journal volume & issue
Vol. Volume 19
pp. 663 – 672


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Si Dung Chu,1,2 Minh Thi Tran2 1Haiphong - Vinhbao International General Hospital, Hai Phong City, Vietnam; 2Internal Medicine Department, Vietnam University of Traditional Medicine, Hanoi Capital, VietnamCorrespondence: Si Dung Chu, Department of Internal Medicine, Vietnam University of Traditional Medicine, Hanoi, Vietnam, Tel +84 906086168, Email [email protected]: Study on effect of risk factors on over-anticoagulation in patients taking anticoagulant drugs with VKAs (vitamin K antagonists).Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive, prospective research. Study on 79 patients taking anticoagulant drugs with VKAs who had an INR (International Normalized Ratio) index of more than indicated anticoagulation dose with VKAs therapy.Results: A total of 79 patients, mean age 65.65 ± 12.17 years [33:85], the elderly group is common (73.4%). Patients had hemorrhage disorders account for 22.8%. The INR index had an average value was 5.88 ± 3.0 [3.02– 23.95]; The INR> 5 level group is a higher risk of bleeding than the INR ≤ 5 level group, it’s the statistical significance (p 1, p > 0.05); These patients using coenzyme Q10 and green vegetable nutrition such as cruciferous vegetables (Brassicaceae, Asteraceae) are quite common (31.6% and 35.4%), its effect on coagulation with vitamin K and cause of the increased in risk of bleeding was statistical significantly with OR = 5.28 (CI: 1.72– 16.17, p 5 level group was a higher risk of bleeding than the INR ≤ 5 level group with statistical significance. Patients using Coenzyme Q10 and green vegetable nutrition such as cruciferous vegetables (Brassicaceae, Asteraceae) are quite common, its effect on coagulation and cause of the increased risk of bleeding complication with statistical significance.Keywords: risk factors, bleeding, VKAs overdose, INR
