MedEdPORTAL (Oct 2010)
Acute Respiratory Emergencies in Pediatrics
Abstract This resource is designed as a simulation exercise. It is one of a series of exercises utilized for education and training about pediatric emergencies for residents, nurses, and prehospital providers. It can be utilized for education or for assessment of knowledge, technical skills, and critical thinking skills. It is presented as a case of an infant with bronchiolitis with increasing distress and respiratory failure. There is a sequence for progression of the case, expected knowledge points, and a guide to facilitate debriefing. These simulation exercises were used initially as a tool to objectively evaluate that our transport team has the skills necessary to take care of a critically ill child alone in an ambulance. It allowed for skills review and equipment review, with areas of quality improvement being identified. It was well received by the members of the transport team who requested further simulation training as part of their continuing education as well as for their annual evaluations. In response a series of cases has been developed. This case has been subsequently been utilized for pediatric residents as well, with positive feedback. It could be utilized for teaching and evaluating any health care provider who needs the skills to recognize and stabilize an acutely ill child. We are continuing to expand and develop our curriculum for our prehospital providers and would like to see this type of exercise be used in disciplines hospital wide that conduct annual competencies.