Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Jun 2015)

ЕВОЛЮЦІЯ СІМЕЙНОЇ ОБРЯДОВОСТІ УКРАЇНЦІВ У ТВОРЧОСТІ МИХАЙЛА ГРУШЕВСЬКОГО / Evolution of the Family Rites of Ukrainians in the Work of M. Hrushevsky

  • Мойсей Антоній

Journal volume & issue
no. 2(6)
pp. 19 – 24


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Мойсей Антоний. Эволюция семейной обрядности украинцев в творчестве Михаила Грушевского. В статье исследуется эволюция симейной обрядовости в творчестве М. Грушевского, поиск истоков народных обычаев и осмысления процессов развития общественной духовной культуры украинцев. М. Грушевскому, как исследователю истоков культуры украинцев, используя огромный по объему эмпирический (этнографический) материал и, основываясь на современные ему теоретические разработки, удалось сделать огромный вклад в развитие украинской этнологии. Ключевые слова: М. Грушевский, эволюция исследования симейного обряда, истоки народных обычаев, духовная культура украинцев. Moysey Antoniy. Evolution of the Family Rites of Ukrainians in the Work of M. Hrushevsky. The article investigates M. Hrushevsky’s philosophical penetration into the essence of ethnographic problems, his search for the origins of folk customs, the scolar’spersieving of the processes of the social spiritual culture of Ukrainians. Hrushevsky as the Ukrainian culture researcher could make a tremendous contribution to the development of Ukrainian ethnology based on enormousamounto fempirical (ethnographic) material and based on contemporary the toretical developments of his times. The evolutionary theory used by the author in his scientific writings nowaday is part of ethnological understanding of social development. Despite some attempts of subjective approach to the interpretation of the questions of genesis of the elements of folk culture, the concept of their study used by the ukrainian academician will not lose its relevance for a longtime. Hrushevsky’s scientific approach to the history of Ukrainian culture provided both deep analysis of the immense material accumulated by Ukrainian ethnographers and serious theoretical just ification of the problem based on the heritage of the Ukrainian and world professional opinion. M.Grushevskiy for a longtime worked on the question of origins and development of spiritual cultureof the Ukrainianpeople. The monumental work by M.Hrushevsky "Historyof Ukraine-Rus" is one of the greatest work s of Ukrainian scientific historiography that historically substantiated the matter of Ukrainian state hood and had a decisive influence on the national statehood-making thought and education of generation. His five-volume "History of Ukrainian Literature" played the same role in the field of investigation of the origins of Ukrainian culture. Both works make it possible to investigate the origins of Ukrainian culture, analyze ethnographic factual material that was available to M.Hrushevsky, and consider the scientific concept on which he based his scientific research. Key words: M.Grushevskiy, evolution study of family ritual, the origins of folk customs, Ukrainian spiritual culture.
