Open Life Sciences (Mar 2017)
Swailing affects seed germination of plants of European bio-and agricenosis in a different way
Swailing as a part of agricultural practice is an illegal habit in many European countries. The indirect effect of swailing is the emission of volatiles (SGV), hence the aim of the study was to identify their impact to seeds of different species occurring or grown Europe. It was carried out on seeds of 29 species of 10 botanical families within the angiosperms. The response to SGV was more or less differentiated within a family, and even within the species, e.g. in the case of tomato. The stimulation of germination and/or increased seedling vigour was established in celery, green- and red-leafed basil, white and red cabbage, white clover and wild thyme. The same effect was noticed for the seeds of stratified broadleaf plantain and the positively photoblastic seeds of German chamomile germinated in darkness. The inhibition of seed germination and/ or reduced seedling vigour was demonstrated in case of caraway, dill and forget-me-not. Similar results were obtained in the experiments carried out in vitro and in the soil, hence it can be assumed that the indirect impact of SGV on plant habitat composition is likely. The interaction of SGV compounds with seed testa and seed phytohormones is discussed.