Journal of Medicinal Plants (Oct 2016)

Primary dysmenorrhea and herbal medicine

  • M Firozi,
  • T Zahedifard

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 60
pp. 58 – 65


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Introduction: Dysmenorrhea is one of the most common complaints. Due to the importance and prevalence of dysmenorrhea research is necessary in this regard. Aim: This study aimed to determine the status of herbal medicine in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea. Methods: In this descriptive study, 117 women admitted to health centers in Mashhad were recruitment. Research tools were personal questionnaire form, information of menstrual in three-month sequential, Verbal multidimensional scale. The data collected by SPSS software using Chi-square and Descriptive Statistics were analyzed. Results: The results showed that 21.4 percent of participants used only herbal medicines and 21.4 percent used herbal and chemical medicines. A total of 11 kinds of herbs used by participants in the treatment of dysmenorrhea. Herbal medicines with the highest frequency were: Cumin cyminum, Anethum gravolens, Black cardamom, Shirazi Thymus Vulgaris , peppermint. According to the chi-square test there was a significant difference between severity of Pain menstrual and type of menstrual pain treatment(p= 0/003). According to the chi-square test there was not a Significant differences between age, occupation, education, age of menarche and menstrual pain relief method. Conclusion: The results suggest that about 50 percent of study participants used herbal medicines as a single therapy or supplement chemical medicines. Due to the widespread use of herbal medicines in the study population, safety, effectiveness, suggestion and availability of effective drugs is recommended.
