EPJ Web of Conferences (Jan 2018)
openQ*D simulation code for QCD+QED
The openQ*D code for the simulation of QCD+QED with C* boundary conditions is presented. This code is based on openQCD-1.6, from which it inherits the core features that ensure its efficiency: the locally-deflated SAP-preconditioned GCR solver, the twisted-mass frequency splitting of the fermion action, the multilevel integrator, the 4th order OMF integrator, the SSE/AVX intrinsics, etc. The photon field is treated as fully dynamical and C* boundary conditions can be chosen in the spatial directions. We discuss the main features of openQ*D, and we show basic test results and performance analysis. An alpha version of this code is publicly available and can be downloaded from http://rcstar.web.cern.ch/.