Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications (Jun 2021)
A High Gain Super Wideband Metamaterial Based Antenna
Abstract The paper proposes a high gain, metamaterial based super wideband (SWB) antenna. The SWB antenna has two inverted U slots which are responsible for two notches at 3.5 GHz and 5.5 GHz frequencies. A flower-shaped slot is etched from the radiator to obtain the SWB characteristics. The super wideband antenna has dimensions of 30×35 ×1.5 mm3 with FR4 substrate. The antenna has a frequency bandwidth of 3.1 GHz - 15 GHz for S11 < -10dB. A metamaterial unit cell is designed and simulated for permittivity and permeability characteristics. This shows a negative refractive index in the band of 2.4 GHz to 8 GHz and 8.2 GHz to 9 GHz. A 3×3 array of metamaterial cells is used as a superstrate for the improvement of the gain characteristics. The fabricated prototype SWB antenna with superstrate has measured frequency bandwidth 3.1-15 GHz with notched bands at 3.5 GHz and 5.5 GHz. The experimental and simulated results are in line with each other.