Fon (Mar 2022)


  • Niken Thalia Ayupradani,
  • Endah Riski Kartini,
  • Syahwa Minastiti,
  • Dini Restiyanti Pratiwi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 1
pp. 16 – 25


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ABSTRAK: Kesantunan berbahasa sejatinya dekat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Kini, di tambah dengan kemajuan teknologi memudahkan orang untuk menjalin komunikasi. Hubungan komunikasi dapat berjalan dengan baik apabila mengedepankan prinsip kesantunan. Prinsip kesantunan dapat selalu dijunjung baik bertutur dalam media sosial maupun secara tatap muka. Apabila tidak patuh dengan prinsip kesantunanan, maka tuturan tersebut tidak santun. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni memaparkan bentuk tuturan yang melanggar prinsip kesantunan dalam twitter @FiersaBesari khususnya dalam kolom reply. Adapun cuitan khusus yang dipilih yakni mengenai tuturan yang mengkritik dan menyindir pemerintah Indonesia. Pelanggaran kesantunan tersebut diukur dengan prinsip kesatunan berupa bidal. Metode penelitian menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara simak, catat, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode agih dengan teknik dasar BUL dan teknik lanjutan perluas. Hasil dari penelitian ini memaparkan beragam bentuk tuturan yang melanggar prinsip kesantunan. Adapun bidal-bidal yang dilanggar yakni, bidal penghargaan, bidal pemufakatan, dan bidal kesimpatian. Dari keenam bidal yang digunakan untuk mengukur kesantunan, terdapat tiga bidal yang ditemukan pelanggaran. KATA KUNCI: Kesantunan Berbahasa, Prinsip Kesantunan, Bidal, Twitter VIOLATIONS OF CITIZENS IN CITIZENS'S LANGUAGE IN THE COMMENTS COLUMN TWITTER @FIERSABESARI ABSTRACT: Politeness in language is actually close to everyday life. Now, coupled with advances in technology, it is easier for people to establish communication. Communication relations can run well if they prioritize the principle of politeness. The principle of politeness can always be upheld both speaking in social media and face to face. If you do not comply with the principle of politeness, then the speech is not polite. The purpose of this study is to describe the form of speech that violates the principle of politeness in @FiersaBesari's twitter, especially in the reply column. The special tweets that were chosen were about speeches that criticized and satirized the Indonesian government. The violation of politeness is measured by the principle of unity in the form of a thimble. The research method uses data collection techniques by observing, recording, and documenting. The data analysis technique in this study used the agih method with the BUL basic technique and the extended extension technique. The results of this study describe various forms of speech that violate the principle of politeness. The thimbles that were violated were the thimble of appreciation, the thimble of consensus, and the thimble of sympathy. Of the six thimbles used to measure politeness, there were three thimbles that found violations. KEYWORDS: Politeness Speech Act, Politeness Politeness Principle, Bidal, Twitter