The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (Aug 2020)
Due to the increasing range of work carried out with UAV in recent years, the importance of final product accuracy appreciates. However, obtaining survey-grade accuracy requires to perform bundle adjustment processes that could be affected by multiple factors like unstable camera calibration, a correlation between interior and exterior orientation, insufficient georeferenced information, and software settings. During the project, multi-variant flight over the test field was conducted. The flights were performed with a fixed-wing airframe equipped with PPK receiver on-board. Based on the conducted flights, the database for multifactorial data sets has been prepared. The database containing hundreds of independent adjustment variants which differ as follows: georeferencing method, flight configuration, additional camera calibration corrections, tie points filtering, and a priori accuracy settings. The database allowed to investigate the separate influence of each factor on the final results using ANOVA statistical models.