Образование и наука (May 2015)
The purpose of the article is to prove the possibility and necessity of psychological support of students’ individual educational trajectories. The essence of individual educational trajectories is informed and responsible choices subject target orientation to realize their professional and educational potential in accordance with traditional values, attitudes and meanings of life. Methods. «Method of research of a locus of the control» by J. Rotter was used in pilot study of personal development features of students for studying of specificity of the person control and responsibility attribution for events occurring to personality; a questionnaire «Style of self-control of behaviour» by V. I. Morosanova for estimation of abilities to plan achievement of the vital purposes, abilities to self-organising; the method «Personal differential» by Ch. Osguda to find out representations of the individual about himself/herself, something own, level of aspiration, strong-willed selfcontrol, degree of communicativeness in interpersonal relations; the method of studying of requirement for achievements by Yu. M. Orlov was used to reveal features of displays of activity and behaviour. Results. It is shown that high dynamics of economic processes and the integration of manufacturing technologies have generated the need for its networking, and led to a new organizational form of education – individual learning paths. The choice of educational trajectory is determined by socio-professional orientation of students, their value-sense orientation, the availability of alternative educational programs, opportunities for educational organizations. The structurally functional model of psychological guiding of working out and realisation of individually-educational trajectories is proposed. The authors have described basic elements of the given model – the purpose, object, subject, subject matter, principles, means, conditions and results. In particular, the purpose of tutor guiding is maintenance of personal and professional development of trainees with due consideration of their individual psychological features and socially-professional specificity. Scientific novelty. The authors single out and summarize the methodological background necessity of psychological guiding process of the development and implementation of individually-oriented professional education. The semantic value of such guiding implementation developed by the authors performs structural and substantial model of the process. The requirement for the new methodology of vocational training based on network interaction of members of education is highlighted. The new network is considered as a platform technology of multidimensional professional of a specialist. Practical significance. The authors believe that the research findings will promote the approval of foresight technology through designing of individual educational trajectories; also the research implementations can be helpful for the tutors supervising process of professional development of trainees.