Zhongguo youzhi (Aug 2022)
中国古代油脂文明溯源与变迁Traceability and changes of ancient Chinese oil and fat culture
中华民族在浩瀚的历史长河中,创造了璀璨的中华文明,也成就了灿烂的油脂文化。古代油脂,液态称之膏,固态谓之脂。先秦始萌,油脂闪耀于文明之焰;春秋争鸣,油脂溢彩于辐辏之间。唐代社会兴盛,油作坊应运而生;宋朝手工业繁荣,榨油业迅速发展;明代科学启蒙,制油工艺大总结;清朝墨守成规,制油业渐趋平缓。中国油脂博物馆古代油脂展厅从古代制油业的探索、古代油料作物、古代油脂应用、古代制油业的变迁、古代油脂文化等五个部分介绍了我国油脂的历史、文化和应用。 China has created a splendid Chinese civilization in its long history. Ancient Chinese oil and fat culture is one of the most brilliant stars of it. In ancient times, Chinese oil and fat were called ″Gao″ in liquid state, while, ″Zhi″ in solid state. They first appeared in the pre-Qin period and then they were widely used during the Spring and Autumn Period. They thrived prosperously which gave birth to the oil mills in Tang Dynasty. With the boom of handicraft industry in Song Dynasty, the oil industry had been developed rapidly. The science enlighenment in Ming Dynasty had even deeply improved the producing technology of oil and fat. Finally Qing, this conformist Dynasty, dragged down the speed of oil industry development. Oils and Fats Museum of China has introduced us the history, culture and application of Chinese oil and fat in 5 parts: the exploration of ancient Chinese oil industry, ancient Chinese oil crops, the application of oil and fat in Chinese ancient times, the changes of ancient Chinese oil industry, ancient Chinese oil and fat culture.