Svět Literatury (Dec 2023)

Un hombre de Zapotlán colgado de Kafka: La literatura kafkiana de Juan José Arreola

  • Pablo Brescia

Journal volume & issue
Vol. XXXIII, no. SI
pp. 85 – 95


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The literary poetics of Mexican writer Juan José Arreola (1918–2001), one of the great figures of 20th century Latin American narrative, rests on three pillars: his inscription in a specific literary tradition, an authorial position as a “cultural megaphone” and his preference for fantastic literature. Within that literary tradition, for Arreola Kafka, perhaps like no other author, provides a possible literary lens to examine in depth the human being of our time. The purpose of this paper is to traverse this Arreola-Kafka literary bridge and to read some edges of the Kafkaesque in Arreola’s work, paying special attention to the possible communicating vessels between the two literary projects.
