Universal Journal of Mathematics and Applications (Dec 2023)
On Strongly Lacunary $\mathcal{I}_2^{\ast }$-Convergence and Strongly Lacunary $\mathcal{I}_2^{\ast }$-Cauchy Sequence
In the study conducted here, we have given some new concepts in summability theory. In this sense, firstly, using the lacunary sequence we have given the concept of strongly $\mathcal{I}_{\theta_2}^{\ast}$-convergence and we have examined the relations between $\mathcal{I}_{\theta_2}^{\ast}$-convergence and strongly $\mathcal{I}_{\theta_2}^{\ast}$-convergence and also between strongly $\mathcal{I}_{\theta_2}$-convergence and strongly $\mathcal{I}_{\theta_2}^{\ast}$-convergence. Also, using the lacunary sequence we have given the concept of strongly $\mathcal{I}_{\theta_2}^{\ast}$-Cauchy sequence and examined the relations between strongly $\mathcal{I}_{\theta_2}$-Cauchy sequence and strongly $\mathcal{I}_{\theta_2}^{\ast}$-Cauchy sequence.