مجلة التربية والعلم (Sep 2007)

Effect of food type in response to different roles of fig figs and raisins for some insect growth inhibitors

  • Nazar Al-Mallah,
  • Rana Al-Sabea

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 1
pp. 1 – 12


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The result of the recent study revealed that the host kind (Artificial diet, Date and Fig) affect the Susceptibility of different insect stages of Fig moth Ephestia caute/la (Walk.) and CmTant moth Ephestia ca/ide/la (Gunee) to selected insect growth inhibitors (Diflubenzuron , Lufenuron, Cyromazine) Lufenuron was the most toxic inJ1ibitors against eggs of Fig moth reared on artificial diet and its LC50 value reached 0.0012 while the Cyromazine exhibit a less toxic effect on eggs of the same species reared on Fig and its LC 50 value reached 0.0075. The larvae ofFig moth showed a higher sensitivity to insect growth inJ1ibitors in comparison to Currant moth larvae reared on all hosts. The values of LC50 of insect growth inhibitors on pupae of Fig and currant most were varied accordingto the diet kind and ins·ect species. Diflubenzuron and Cyromazine were more toxic to the adults of Fig moth reared on artificial diet while Cyromazine showed a higher toxic effect to the adults of Cunant moth reared on fig.
