Koedoe: African Protected Area Conservation and Science (Nov 1986)
Notes on the Permian to Recent Geology of the Kruger National Park
Permian to Recent rocks form narrow, roughly north- south and east-south-east trending belts in the north-eastern Transvaal. The rocks consist of a thin succession of Karoo sediments, a thick overlying succession of mafic and felsic volcanics referred to as the Lebombo Group, isolated outcrops of Cretaceous sediments and fairly extensive Tertiary-Recent Gravels and sediments. These rocks are in general well exposed along the eastern margin of the Kruger National Park and also crop out in the extreme north. Emplacement of the Lebombo volcanics and subsequent deposition of the Cretaceous rocks was intimately associated with the fragmentation of Gondwanaland.