Journal of Education and Health Promotion (Jan 2021)
Reconstruction of individual, social, and professional life: Self-management experience of patients with inflammatory bowel disease
BACKGROUND: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) experience wide range of physical and psychological problems experience. The use of strategies to improve disease management by patients is of has special importance in solving these problems. The aim of present study was to discover the strategies and behaviors of patients to manage their disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The present study was conducted with a qualitative research approach and a qualitative content analysis method. The research participants included 20 patients with IBD referred to gastrointestinal wards in 2020 in Mashhad. Data were collected through unstructured interviews and purposeful sampling method and continued until data saturation. Data analysis was performed continuously and simultaneously with data collection and comparatively. RESULTS: Data analysis provided five themes of “Improving self-efficacy and problem-solving skills,” “Coexistence with disease,” “Reviewing and modifying of interactions,” “Adjusting job and professional conditions” and “Commitment to self-care.” The combination of these concepts indicated that is the main theme in disease management for these patients. CONCLUSIONS: Reconstruction of individual, social, and professional life can improve self-regulation and problem-solving skills in these patients and make them a sense of control on their lives and disease.