Forces in Mechanics (Dec 2023)
Computational modelling and analysis of hard tissue behavior around 0.5 mm and 0.85 mm platform switched abutment using 3D finite element analysis
Permanent tooth avulsion is a common but extremely serious dental injury that can negatively affect both economic output and lifestyle. Even though it is not a disease, no one is ever completely safe from the possibility of suffering from these disastrous injuries. Dental implants play a vital role in the treatment of such injuries (tooth loss). This work was focused on to find the effects of two different platform switched abutment-implant assembly on hard tissues (Cortical and cancellous) bone. Materialized Mimics Medical Software was used for processing clinical imaging (CBCT) data of mandibular bone and micro-CT data of implant (5.5 × 9.5 mm), Abutments (Pt. sw. I and Pt. sw. II) and final 3D model of all parts were obtained by Fusion 360 CAD software and implanted into a right mandible bone block. Implant-Abutment with different switching assembly as platform switched-I (Pt. Sw. I) Ø5.5-mm implant and Ø3.8-mm abutment and the platform switched-II (Pt. Sw. II) Ø5.5-mm implant and Ø4.5-mm abutment were compared. Each model was subjected to 50 N, 100 N and 150 N longitudinal and lateral loads at occlusal surface of the abutment to evaluate the mechanical parameters. ANSYS 2020R1 was used to conduct the computational analysis. Mechanical characteristics such as von-Mises stresses and total deformation were measured in the hard tissues using finite element modelling. Under the application of different loads the cancellous bone experiences maximum von misses stress 4.7 MPa and 5.4 MPa for Pt. Sw. I and Pt. Sw. II respectively under longitudinal load and 7.4 MPa and 8.7 MPa for Pt. Sw. I and Pt. Sw. II respectively under lateral load. Similar trends were observed for cortical bone. While maximum total deformation of 2.1 µm (Pt. Sw. I) and 2.2 µm (Pt. Sw. II) under longitudinal load and 4.4 µm and 4.6 µm in cancellous bone and cortical bone under longitudinal load and 4.4 µm (Pt. Sw. I) and 4.6 µm (Pt. Sw. II) under lateral load in cancellous and 7.5 µm (Pt. Sw. I) and 8 µm (Pt. Sw. II) in cortical bone were recorded. The analysis may help to prevent the progression of marginal bone loss (MBL) because lower results for these variables indicated for higher platform switching in marginal bone. The findings of computational frameworks can help clinicians and other medical professionals make more informed decisions when selecting a treatment strategy from the many options available.