Children (Jun 2022)

The Etiology and Epidemiology of Pediatric Facial Fractures in North-Western Romania: A 10-Year Retrospective Study

  • Paul Andrei Țenț,
  • Raluca Iulia Juncar,
  • Abel Emanuel Moca,
  • Rahela Tabita Moca,
  • Mihai Juncar

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 7
p. 932


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Pediatric facial fractures are not as common as facial fractures occurring in the adult population. Their therapeutic approach is different because they affect patients with active growth, and have an etiology and epidemiology that vary depending on different cultural, religious and demographic factors. This research aimed to identify the main factors involved in the etiology of pediatric facial fractures, as well as the epidemiology of pediatric facial fractures in a sample of children and adolescents from North-Western Romania. This 10-year retrospective study was performed in a tertiary center for oral and maxillofacial surgery in North-Western Romania. Medical files of patients that were admitted between 1 January 2002 and 31 December 2022 were analyzed. Pediatric patients aged 0 to 18 years were included in this study. The final sample consisted of 142 children and adolescents diagnosed with facial fractures, with this number representing 14.1% of all patients affected by facial fractures. Most frequently, fractures were identified in the 13–18 age group (78.9%, n = 112), which were more often associated with fractures caused by interpersonal violence than caused by road traffic accidents, falls or animal attacks. Boys were more affected (88%, n = 125), and were more frequently associated with fractures caused by interpersonal violence. The most frequently identified etiological factors included interpersonal violence (50%, n = 71), falls (18.3%, n = 26) and road traffic accidents (11.3%, n = 16). In terms of location, the mandible was the most affected facial bone structure (66.2%, n = 94), and patients with mandibular fractures were more frequently associated with fractures caused by interpersonal violence. The incidence of pediatric facial fractures should be lowered because they may interfere with the proper development of the facial skeleton. Establishing measures aimed at preventing interpersonal violence, as well as other causes involved in the etiology of facial fractures is imperative.
