Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (Dec 2005)

O impacto de mudanças nas medidas de prevenção e no tratamento de infecções incisionais em cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio The impact of new preventive measures and treatment of surgical site infections after coronary artery bypass graft surgery

  • Fernando Antoniali,
  • Cledicyon Eloy da Costa,
  • Luciano dos Santos Tarelho,
  • Maurício Marson Lopes,
  • Ana Paula Nunes de Albuquerque,
  • Gleice Agnes Almeida Reinert,
  • Gustavo Calado de Aguiar Ribeiro

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20, no. 4
pp. 382 – 391


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto de novas medidas de prevenção e tratamento para infecções incisionais em cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (RM). MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo incluindo 468 pacientes submetidos a RM com circulação extracorpórea, distribuídos em Grupo A (n=224) e Grupo B (n=244), de pacientes operados antes e após a adoção do novo protocolo, respectivamente. Análise comparativa entre os grupos procurou detectar a incidência de infecções superficiais e profundas na incisão para esternotomia, de recorrências e reinternações. RESULTADOS: Quanto aos fatores de risco relacionados a hábitos e doenças dos pacientes, aspectos cirúrgicos e hospitalares, ocorreram diferenças entre os grupos quanto a maior utilização da artéria mamária (p=0,003) e menor tempo de intubação orotraqueal (p=0,001) no Grupo B. Infecções incisionais - no Grupo A foram 44 (19,6%) casos, sendo 33 (14,7%) superficiais e 11 (4,9%) profundas; no Grupo B foram 13 (5,3%) casos com 10 (4,1%) superficiais e três (1,2%) profundas, sendo significativa a diferença quanto ao número total de infecções incisionais (pOBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of new preventive measures of surgical site infections after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. METHOD: A retrospective study of 468 patients who underwent CABG surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass was performed. These patients were distributed into two groups: Group A (n=224) and Group B (n=244), respectively before and after a new protocol. The two groups were compared by statistical analysis to determine differences in risk factors, the incidence of sternotomy surgical site infections (superficial and deep), recurrent infections and hospital readmission. RESULTS: There was a greater use of internal thoracic artery grafts (p=0.003) and a shorter time of mechanical ventilation (p=0.001) in Group B. Surgical site infections occurred in 44 patients of Group A (19.6%); 33 superficial (14.7%) and 11 deep (4.9%) while in Group B only 13 patients had this complication (5.3%); 10 superficial (4.1%) and three deep (1.2%) surgical site infections. Significant improvements were seen in the total number of surgical site infections (p<0.001), of superficial infections (p<0.001) and of deep infections (p=0.037). There were 36.3% and 7.7% of recurrent infections in Groups A and B, respectively (p=0.102). Hospital readmissions due to surgical site infections were 21 in Group A and three in Group B (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: The new preventive measures and treatment for surgical site infections after CABG surgery in this series of patients, significantly reduced the incidence of sternotomy surgical site infections and hospital readmissions related to this complication.
