Revista Sociedade & Natureza (Dec 2013)
Emprego de atributos topográficos no mapeamento da susceptibilidade a processos geoambientais na bacia do rio Jacareí, Paraná / Using topographic attributes in susceptibility mapping on geo-environment process at Jacareí basin river, Paraná, Brazil
This paper has been done a susceptibility mapping on geo-environmental processes in Jacareí basin river, localization in Serra do Mar of Paraná. The choice for this region is justified for that it was affected by severe landslides and debris flow occurred on march's 11, 2011, which occasioned several damages and losses to the local community. The mapping was performed by means of digital terrain analysis with the use of topographic attributes that showed better relationship with the processes: elevation, slope, plan curvature and topographic wetness index. The map legend was organized into ten class, considering the landslide, debris flow and floods associated with mud flow, with level moderate, high and very high susceptibility.