Gerión (Feb 2009)
En El corazón de las tinieblas. Forma y dinámica en la colonización fenicia de Occidente
The succesful history of the Phoenician colonies in the West poses the problem of its growth dynamics evolved to a certain degree amidst a competition for space. This condition, in itself, determines a dynamics affecting theoretically its population and other components in each of the levels of the colonial phenomenon. In turn, this converts the colonization process in a dynamic self-similar object in which the monopolistic aim could be construed as an algorithm which, upon iteration, explains the survival of the colonial group. This model allows for the relation between the finds in Huelva, decorated stelae, sanctuaries and/or the distribution of orientalizing finds. Thus, Phoenician colonial and Tartesian bear witnesses of an increasing oriental monopoly in both the coast and interior of the Iberian Paeninsula.