Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea (Dec 2012)
Ramón Franco Bahamonde: dalle imprese aviatorie all’adesione al ‘Alzamiento’
Ramón Franco Bahamonde was celebrated and acclaimed by the Spanish people for the glory derived from his aviation deeds. However, his temperament, his desire to emerge and his unscrupulousness led him to a swinging life: starting as a man royal to the Crown, he then joined the Freemasonry, was near the Italian exiles, and finally planned sensational bombing actions. He adhered to the Second Republic (14 April 1931) as an active supporter of the Spanish left-wing, but a few years later (1934) he sided with the newly elected winners of the moderate right-wing. Sent by the government to the United States as a Military attaché of Embassy, he returned on 18 July 1936 when, putting aside even the republican guidelines, he sided with the coup forces led by the Generals Sanjurio, Mola and his brother Francisco.