European Papers (Apr 2017)
La sentenza A e B c. Norvegia della Corte di Strasburgo ridimensiona la portata del principio ne bis in idem
(Series Information) European Papers - A Journal on Law and Integration, 2017 2(1), 243-250 | European Forum Insight of 18 April 2017 | (Table of Contents) I. Introduzione. - II. La pregressa giurisprudenza della Corte europea sul criterio della sufficiente connessione temporale e sostanziale tra i procedimenti penale e amministrativo. - III. Analisi dei principi di diritto enunciati nella decisione della Grande Camera. - IV. La soluzione del caso di specie. - V. Conclusioni. | (Abstract) In A and B v. Norway (judgment of 15 November 2016, nos 24130/11 and 29758/11) the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights restricted the scope of the ne bis in idem principle. Partly relaying on its previous case law, the Court upheld that Art. 4 of the Protocol no. 7 of the European Convention of Human Rights is not violated by dual proceedings conducted against an individual for the same conduct, if the proceedings are closely connected to each other in substance and in time. In A and B, the European Court also listed a number of elements to test the intensity of the connection in substance and in time.