Revista de Saúde Pública (Aug 2008)
Inquérito sobre uso de medicamentos por idosos aposentados, Belo Horizonte,MG Survey on medicine use by elderly retirees in Belo Horizonte, Southeastern Brazil
OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o uso de medicamentos por aposentados e pensionistas idosos, com ênfase nas diferenças entre gêneros. MÉTODOS: Inquérito domiciliar conduzido com amostra aleatória simples de 667 indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais, residentes em Belo Horizonte, MG, em 2003. Os idosos foram entrevistados por farmacêuticos, utilizando questionário padronizado. Foram estimadas a prevalência de uso e a média de medicamentos usados nos últimos 15 dias anteriores à entrevista, as quais foram estratificadas de acordo com o gênero segundo variáveis sociodemográficas e de saúde. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de uso de medicamentos foi de 90,1%, significativamente maior entre as mulheres (93,4%) do que entre os homens (84,3%). Mulheres utilizaram em média 4,6±3,2 produtos e homens 3,3±2,6 (pOBJECTIVE: To describe self-reported use of medicines by Brazilian elderly retirees focusing on gender differences. METHODS: Household survey conducted in a random sample comprising 667 subjects aged 60 years or more who were living in Belo Horizonte, Southeastern Brazil, in 2003. The elderly were interviewed by pharmacists, using a standardized questionnaire. The prevalence of medicine use and mean use in the 15 days previous to the interview were estimated and then stratified by gender according to sociodemographic and health variables. RESULTS: The prevalence of medicine use was 90.1%, and significantly higher among women (93.4%) than men (84.3%). Women and men took on average 4.6±3.2 and 3.3±2.6 products (p<0.001), respectively. The most frequently used drug category was cardiovascular, followed by nervous system and gastrointestinal tract and metabolism. Women showed higher use in all these drug categories, as well as higher mean number of drugs consumed, according to selected sociodemographic and health variables. CONCLUSIONS: The study identified higher use of medicines by women, making them more vulnerable to the harmful effects of polytherapy, such as drug interactions and inadequate use of medicines.