Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()

Suffering and defense in work in a mental health care service

  • Marta Kolhs,
  • Agnes Olschowsky,
  • Lucimare Ferraz

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 72, no. 4
pp. 903 – 909


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ABSTRACT Objective: to know the suffering and the strategies of defense of CAPS AD III workers, from the perspective of the Work Theater proposed by Dejours. Method: a descriptive qualitative research, of the case study type, with CAPS AD III workers, using as theoretical framework the Psychodynamics of Work. Results: CAPS AD III professionals identify that the suffering in the work arises from the frustration between the real and the prescribed one; by the hegemony of practices guided by the biomedical model; stigmatization and prejudice with users; and the limitations of the Health Care Network (Rede de Atenção à Saúde). As an individual defense strategy, the rationalization was defined, and as a collective strategy, the protection strategy. Final considerations: worker uses strategies of defenses to face suffering and give a new meaning to it, characterizing themselves as ways of apprehending, understanding and giving meaning and new looks to their work.
