Indian Heart Journal (Jan 2016)
Mid-term outcomes of patients undergoing adjustable pulmonary artery banding
Objective: The adjustable pulmonary artery band (APAB) has been demonstrated by us earlier to be superior to the conventional pulmonary artery banding (CPAB), in terms of reduced early morbidity and mortality. In this study, we assessed the adequacy of the band and its complications over the mid-term. Methods: Between 2002 and 2012, 73 patients underwent adjustable PAB, and their operative and follow-up data were collected and analyzed. Results: There was one early death following the APAB. Follow-up data were available for 57 patients of which 44 patients (61.7%) underwent definitive repair, 10 were awaiting definitive repair, and 3 patients were kept on medical follow-up because of inadequate fall in pulmonary artery (PA) pressures. 14 patients (19%) were lost to follow-up. Major PA distortion or stenosis was absent in the majority. 1 patient had pseudoaneurysm of the main pulmonary artery (MPA) with sternal sinus infection and required surgical reconstruction. 1 patient had infective endocarditis of the pulmonary valve managed medically. Band migration was not encountered. There were two deaths after definitive repair and one after APAB. Conclusions: Patients undergoing APAB fulfilled the desired objectives of the pulmonary artery banding (PAB) with minimum PA complications in the mid-term. This added to the early postoperative benefits, makes the APAB an attractive alternative to the CPAB.