Brain Stimulation (Jan 2020)

A case report of pulmonary embolism during electroconvulsive therapy and its further application after somatic stabilization

  • Buday J,
  • Albrecht J,
  • Mareš T,
  • Podgorná G,
  • Žukov I,
  • Kališová L,
  • Raboch J,
  • Anders M

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 1
pp. 250 – 252


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We describe a case of a 49-year-old, male, Caucasian, pharmaco-resistant patient with a recurrent major depressive disorder, who developed acute pulmonary embolism during a course of inpatient right-unilateral ultra-brief electroconvulsive therapy. After the stabilization of his somatic condition, we were able to safely continue with further ECT applications until his mood normalized and he was able to return to his normal life outside the hospital. Case reports on this topic are scarce – our article demonstrates that electroconvulsive treatment, with proper precautionary measures (anti-aggregative or anti-coagulation prophylaxis) is safe and can be administered without unnecessary delay.
