Модернизация, инновация, развитие (Oct 2019)
Russian companies in terms of intellectual economy: problems of formation, estimation and development
Purpose: the main goal of the work is to study conceptual approaches to the essential basis, architectonics and conditions for the formation of intelligent companies, as well as to identify criteria for assessing the maturity of intelligent systems at micro and macro levels.Methods: the study is based on a systematic approach to the understanding of intellectual capital, which defines it as a complete structured system, which is the basis of an intellectual company. The concept of intellectual organization was considered in logical connection with the concept of learning organization, which, in turn, was the result of the evolutionary development of the theories of human and intellectual capital, organizational culture, the theory of network organization.Results: the analysis of conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the basic categories of research – "intellectual capital" and "intellectual company". The conceptual scheme is presented and the structural and functional analysis of intellectual organization is carried out. Conditions of formation of the intellectual company are revealed, the contour of application of intellectual systems in a number of spheres of economic activity is outlined. Examples of foreign and Russian companies positioning themselves as intellectual are given. A review of methodological approaches to assessing the maturity level of intellectual systems of companies with the possibility of building national and global ratings of intellectual companies. The assessment of a real situation on indicators of intellectual assets of the Russian companies at the national and global levels is given. The measures aimed at Russia becoming one of the leaders of intellectual progress are proposed.Conclusions and Relevance: in the context of the growing intellectual trend of the global economy, Russia has no other way than the way of intellectualization of the national economy, the key resource of which is the human intellect. The increase in the number of companies implementing the latest technological solutions in their business processes, expanding the scope of application of intelligent systems in their production activities, creating and maintaining an intellectual culture of work focused on meeting the needs of modern society, including innovative products, is certainly the measure that can bring the country into the mainstream of technological progress.At the same time, the analysis of Rospatent data shows an ambiguous situation: in 2018, the marked increase in patent activity occurred at the expense of Russian applicants only in respect of industrial designs, in respect of utility models and patents for inventions – a significant backlog from foreign applicants. In the globalaspect, the gap in Russia's patent activity from foreign countries is even more threatening. All this makes urgent measures to stimulate the activity of Russian companies to increase their intellectual assets and increase their competitive power in the intellectual property market.