Journal of Dentistry Indonesia (Oct 2012)

Fraktur Patologis Mandibula Akibat Komplikasi Odontektomi Gigi Molar 3 Bawah

  • Dicky Firmansyah,
  • Teguh Iman Santoso

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 3
pp. 192 – 195


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The removal of impacted mandibular molar by surgery (odontectomi) is a common procedure done by the dentist in daily practice. A well and proper operation technique is required to avoid unexpected complication after odontectomy. A 48 years oldwomen is reported with pathological sinistra mandible angle fracture after odontectomy of mandibular third molar done by Yordania Oral Surgeon two month ago. Patient was refered to Departemen of Oral Surgery RSCM. Reposition and fragmen fixation using plate-srew and arch bar. In this paper, writer try to discuss about the posible cause of complication. Hopefully, dentists will be more careful in doing odontectomy procedure, to avoid unexpected complications.DOI:10.14693/jdi.v15i3.25
