Vestnik Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriâ 3, Èkonomika,Èkologiâ (Jan 2018)

  • Elena Mirgorodskaya ,
  • Sergey Sukhinin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 3 (40)
pp. 143 – 154


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The economic space of the region is the medium of relations of economic entities located on its territory. It is characterized by heterogeneity, due to the structured interaction of endogenous factors of production and the asynchrony of economic processes. The territorial structure of the economic space can correspond to several models, but a centre-periphery model can be considered the most widespread. The research relevance consists in the essence of the heterogeneity of the economic space of the region as one of its main properties, reflecting its differentiation. The authors analyze the approaches to interpreting the heterogeneity of the economic space in the works of Russian and foreign economists and identify the main types of territorial models of the economic space. The algorithm for detecting the heterogeneity of economic space of a region based on a centre-periphery model is presented. A necessary and sufficient set of socio-economic indicators is proposed in the form of qualitative and quantitative indicators characterizing the region. The application of these indicators is justified in the context of the limited statistical base characterizing the socio-economic parameters of the region. The approbation of this method of revealing the territorial structure of the economic space is carried out according to the data of the socio-economic development of the Rostov region, in which three spatially expressed hierarchical units are distinguished: the center, the periphery, and the semi-periphery. The authors determine the composition and characteristics of each of these spatial zones and their relationship, reveal problem fields and prospects for their future development based on existing imbalances and current potential.
