Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series (Jan 2017)
The Impact of Management Accounting Innovations on Millennials Business
Today, the focus on transformation is primarily being driven by the impact of digital disruptionon businesses of all sizes and in all geographies. Born between 1980-2000, the MillennialsGeneration represent tech-savvy, creative, Internet and Social Media continually connected,flexible, but they also have high expectation, are eager to take on leadership roles so early in theircareer because they truly want to make a difference in all aspects of their lives. This study aimed atassessing students’ entrepreneurial intention at Titu Maiorescu University, Romania. The stratifiedsampling techniques were applied to select respondents and in order to collect data, pretest selfadministeredquestionnaires were distributed to 212 participants. The results showed that theywant to rise a new business where the link between the Business Vision, Management Strategiesand the Management Accounting Innovation is the success key-set and where the decisions arebased on economic and social gains and loss.